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I’m missing an item from my order. What should I do?Updated 3 years ago

We're sorry there's a missing item from your order. Before contacting our Customer Care team, we recommend checking the following scenarios:

1. We may have sent your items in separate parcels so please check your emails to see if any of your items will be arriving separately.

2. The item/s you ordered may have been out of stock, in which case we ship them from another warehouse. It's worth checking your emails to see if we've sent you a message about this.

3. If you’ve placed multiple orders within a few days of each other that qualify for free delivery and are being shipped to the same delivery address, your orders may have been combined and split across multiple parcels. You’ll be able to see whether they’ve been shipped together in the tracking information for each of the orders you’ve placed.

If your case doesn't match one of the ones listed above, or you want to talk with us directly, please contact us by clicking here and a member of our Kewlioo Customer Care Team will be happy to help you to get your order as soon as possible.

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